PLEASE NOTE: We provide the following renewal information as a courtesy and it may change at any time. It is the individual licensee's responsibility to be sure that he or she meets the requirements for his or her own particular license renewal circumstance(s).

  • Total Hours: 18
  • Mandatory/Core: 6
  • Elective: 12
  • Renewal Cycle: 3 years

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs ("LARA") is the State’s real estate licensing authority.

Each cycle renewal period is three years. Within the three-year period licensees must complete 18 hours of education, including 6 mandatory/legal hours and 12 elective hours. To meet this requirement licensees must take at least 2 hours of mandatory/legal and 4 hours of electives within each of the three cycle renewal years, between November 1 and October 31. Courses can NOT be repeated within a 3 year cycle.

Current 3-Year Cycle
2022November 1, 2021 - October 31, 20226 Hrs CE
2023November 1, 2022 - October 31, 20236 Hrs CE
2024November 1, 2023 - October 31, 20246 Hrs CE

CBT Alliance submits course completions to The CE Marketplace. You may view your courses listed at the CE Marketplace website by clicking this link:

Log into the Michigan licensing system and follow the prompts to renew your license.

See Renewal Packages

Receiving Credit for Completed Courses

Michigan is an audit state, meaning neither licensees nor education providers send notice of course completions to the Commission; rather, the state requires that licensees are able to provide proof of course completions in the event they are audited. CBT reports your course completions to the CE Marketplace.

NOTE: Each time you complete a course on the CBT website, you will receive a courtesy email from us that verifies your completion. You will receive a second email each time we submit notice of a course completion to the CE Marketplace.

After you've completed all your courses, navigate to the Michigan/LARA website to renew your license:

Regulation of Online CE Courses

There are no limits to the number of continuing education courses that can be taken online.
There are no timer requirement in Michigan.
Final exams are not required by the state and therefore are not in these courses.

Approved School

We are a CE Marketplace approved real estate school offering flexible online MI real estate continuing education courses. Our Michigan real estate license renewal courses can be taken anytime day or night.

Browse MI Courses

The CE Marketplace approves education providers for the state of Michigan. To verify school approval, click here, then click "List Available Classes." Under the heading “Class search results,” click the down arrow/carrot and choose, “Class Title” from the dropdown. Scroll down to the course title, “Agency Law.” Note that CBT Alliance is listed as the education provider on the right side of the screen for this course. Scroll up or down this list for any of the course titles listed on the website. NOTE: CBT Alliance is the name of our school, while is the name of our website. The acronym “CBT” stands for “Computer-based Training.”


Contact LARA

For specific questions about your particular license situation, please contact:

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